1. The name on the Association shall be “Burges Estate Residents’ Association”.
  2. The Objects of the Association are to ensure the general character of the Burges Estate and its surrounding area are maintained in perpetuity. The members of the Association shall be residents of the area of the Burges Estate and any other persons living in the surrounding area and supports the objects of the Association.
  3. The Association shall be entirely non-political.
  4. The management of the Association shall be entrusted to and conducted by a Management Committee, referred to hereafter as “The Committee”. The committee shall consist of a Chair, Treasurer, Secretary/ Members Secretary and a minimum of 4 Committee members. A Quorum shall consist of 4 members of whom one shall be an officer.
  5. Elected Committee Members shall hold office for two years and thereafter a rotational election of 50% of the committee shall be made each year, to be ratified at the AGM.
  6. The Committee shall appoint from its members, a Chair, Treasurer, Secretary/Membership Secretary and other officers as are deemed fit annually, after the elections at the Annual General Meeting.
  7. The Committee shall have the power to co-opt and to appoint any sub-committee and shall prescribe the function of any such subcommittee. The Committee shall also have the power to appoint other members to the Committee subject to an interview by the officers of the Committee and the appointment to the committee is to be ratified at the AGM.
  8. The Honorary Treasurer shall be responsible for the affairs of the Association. An Independent Auditor will be appointed to verify a balance sheet and statement of income and expenditure which will be presented at the AGM. The accounting date is to be the 31st December.
  9. Any monies raised by the activities of the Association shall be credited to an account with a recognised financial institution, by the Treasurer.
  10. The Annual General Meeting shall be held annually in April. Twenty members shall constitute a quorum at the Annual General Meeting.
  11. No alteration to the rules may be made except at the Annual or at a Special meeting called for this purpose.
  12. A Special Meeting can be called only on the written request of five Committee Members or twenty Members of the Association, who must detail the subject matter in full. Notification of a special meeting must be given to all Members of the Association in writing.
  13. Any matter not provided for in the Constitution shall be dealt with by the Committee.
  14. The Annual Subscription shall be ten pounds.
  15. Any assets remaining on dissolution of the Association after satisfying any outstanding debts and liabilities will not be distributed amongst the members of the association, but will be given to a registered local charity as designated by the Committee.
  16. Any new member who resigns within one month, their fee will go to a local charity.

Dated at Thorpe Bay, Tuesday 22nd May 1990, as agreed and Adopted at the first Annual General meeting of the Association. Amended at the EGM 12th November 2013,  further amended May 2022, as agreed by the Committee and ratified at the AGM 30th March 2023, further amended August 2023, as agreed by members and the Committee and to be ratified at the AGM April 2024.